1. Diagnose paint failures in 3 Km pipe rack of PLANGAS (PETROBRAS-REDUC Consortium Queiroz Galvão / IESA);
2. Analyze degradation of the coating of the entire structure of a cement factory (INTERCEMENT-Camargo Correia);
3. Evaluate material performance and connection of FPSO to oil well with high levels of H2S (PETROBRAS-MODEC);
4. Implement corrosion monitoring system of pipelines in the Amazon jungle (Urucu/Coari Base - TRANSPETRO);
5. Advise on the compatibility of equipment materials of + 1000 E75 ethanol stations for the east coast of the United States (UL -Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, ILLINOIS - USA);
6. Solve problems of industrial water treatment, corrosion in turbines, effluent treatment (Siderúrgica CSA (THYSSEN KRUPP, today TERNIUM);
7. Adapt water treatment systems of the Rio Negro for use in turbines (SIEMENS and) of the THERMOELECTRIC UTE MAUÁ III (ANDRADE GUTIERREZ);
8. Coordinate and evaluate the production chain for the construction of 4 new nuclear reactors in Brazil (CNEN-CGEE) and more recently, we were hired to diagnose and present solutions to requalify company pipelines in Côte d'Ivoire, Africa (LION GPL).